Engineer work & projects

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Boulder Dash report

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Boulder Dash

Clone of Boulder Dash, done in Java, use of MVC pattern.

Serveur de voeux

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Wishes Server

Website coded using CodeIgniter, PHP, Javascript / AJAX.

IDs to play: USERNAME: bvozel, PASSWORD: servicesENSSAT

UML project


Entire Conception of Product

Use of UML and UP methodologies to design a fictive application.

The product is an app which will rationalize the means of transports in a city.

Graphs project

Github Report

Warshall Algorithms

Use of Scala, SBT and Git. Tests provided in "src/test" (eh, we are not uncivilized here, just trying to do a little DevOps...)


Report Link

Travel Agency's Database

School project; subject: creation of a fictive travel agency's database. Modeling of the database with entity/relationship models.

Use of MySQL (stored procedures, triggers, views...).

Eigenfaces project

Github Report

Eigenfaces with Matlab

Use of Matlab to develop face recognition with the Eigenfaces.


Github Link

JMeter Tutorial

Presentation & tutorial about JMeter: the basis.

Use of reveal.js / HTML.

Vault Chat



School project; subject: decentralized and distributed system. Communication between fictive atomics shelters. Use of critical section and mutex to make the communications secure and parallel.

Use of Java and Java RMI.


Github Report

Canny Edge Detector

Use of Scilab to do a little bit of image processing, with the Canny's algorithm.


Github Report

Machine Learning Algorithms

Use of Python & Scikit lib to experiment with machine learning algorithms, such as Linear regression, Trees, Random Forests... Work in pairs with Anais GALISSON.

Solar system

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Solar System Simulation

Use of Javascript, HTML/CSS and OpenGL to develop a solar system simulation.



Ergonomy & Website Design

Use of Sketch to design a website for an association.

In this project, the goal was more to think about choices of implementation & designs than coding the website itself.



Switchup Challenge Cisco

Cisco innovation challenge. Main goal: think about society/environment problems, and imagine a product or a service to solve this problem. In three words: change the world!

Team of 6 persons from ENSSAT engineering school.


Website of ASTEP

Management at ENSSAT: ASTEP

Management project at ENSSAT. I was teaching computing science at primary school. Group of ~25 children, from 8 to 10. We prepared our interventions during one year: exercises, pedagogy,...

Use of Scratch to give basis of programming.

Performance testing


Load Testing Fundamentals

Article concerning the Load testing fundamentals - state of the art.

Information about processes, tools and methods used in load testing.

Speed Dating

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Speed Dating Experiment

Use of R, Neo4j and Gephi to analyse a Dataset concerning some Speed Dating events.



Quick Setup Debian Server

Use of Ansible to script and automate the configuration of a blank Debian 8 server with only one command.



Junior System Architect, IDA

Work for a Danish Union for Engineers during 3 months as a Junior System Architect to study the feasability of a migration between different Microsoft products.


Github Link

Titanic & Machine Learning

Use of R to analyse a Dataset concerning the sinking of the Titanic. Machine Learning models used to predict the survivors of the crash.



Beers scraper Scala

Use of Scala to scrap a webpage containing data about beers. The goal is to learn how to scrap the web to create my own datasets.


Github Report

LaTeX template repository

Use of LaTeX to create templates from scratch for school reports & papers.